The Dashboard page shows general statistics on all promoted offers for the set period, as well as blocks with information on top 5 offers and top 5 Geo by the largest payout.
You can analyze all the information by using the chart and selecting the desired time period in the calendar.
You can set the period for displaying statistics in the calendar.
To select a date click on the period field, after that 2 months will open in the form of a calendar.
To select a period that contains 1 day, it is necessary to click 2 times on the required date.
To select a period that contains 2 days or more, you should click once on the day of the period start and once on the day of the period end.
You can enter values in the fields manually.
The selected period is highlighted in blue in the calendar.
After setting the period in the calendar, click the Apply button, after which all statistics on the chart, as well as in the block with general information and Top 5 blocks will be updated.
You can also select one of the following templates in the calendar:
By clicking on the Compare icon you can compare the performance for 2 periods: the selected current period and the equivalent previous period.
In other words, if you have selected the current day for display, yesterday's date will be shown for comparison, if you have selected the current month - it will be compared with the whole previous month, etc. Comparative information will be presented in the block with general statistics as a percentage of deviation from the indicators for the current period.
On the chart you can analyze the statistics per day, week or month by the following parameters:
By default all indicators are presented on the chart at once, but you can customize the chart by selecting or removing the necessary indicator in the area below the chart.
In this section you can see up to 5 of the most successful offers (those offers for which you have the largest Payout for the selected period).
Clicking on the name of an offer will take you directly to the offer page with all the general information about
This section contains up to 5 of your most successful GEOs (those Geos for which you have the largest Payout for the selected period).